Pioneering The Evolution of Maps

We are transforming mobile maps from generic, utilitarian tools to powerful personalized connectors between you and the world.

Pioneering The Evolution of Maps

We are transforming mobile maps from generic, utilitarian tools to powerful personalized connectors between you and the world.

Pioneering The Evolution of Maps

We are transforming mobile maps from generic, utilitarian tools to powerful personalized connectors between you and the world.

Pioneering The Evolution of Maps

We are transforming mobile maps from generic, utilitarian tools to powerful personalized connectors between you and the world.

What is Superlocal?

Superlocal is an AI-powered, contextual answer engine and map designed to revolutionize the way you explore your world. As an advanced answer engine, it directly responds to your location-based queries with detailed, personalized results. By combining intelligent search capabilities with your unique preferences, Superlocal becomes your ultimate life companion, offering tailored recommendations and insights.

As you interact with the app, Superlocal's answer engine learns, adapts, and grows with you, transforming every search into an opportunity for personalized discovery. Whether you're seeking local hotspots, the ideal Airbnb in an unfamiliar city, or simply exploring your surroundings, Superlocal's answer engine is there to provide precise, relevant information and guide you on your journey of exploration.

Experience the power of an answer engine that doesn't just show you the world, but understands and responds to your individual needs and interests.

What is a contextual answer engine?

A contextual answer engine provides direct, detailed responses to your questions. Superlocal is an innovative answer engine that applies this concept to location-based queries, similar to Google Maps. It searches the web, consults partners, and factors in your personal preferences to offer tailored, up-to-date recommendations.

Why choose Superlocal?

While traditional maps offer basic navigation, Superlocal takes what the map can be to the next level with:

AI-powered personalization

AI-powered personalization

AI-powered personalization

  • Superlocal learns your unique preferences and habits, providing tailored recommendations and search results.

Context-aware suggestions

Context-aware suggestions

Context-aware suggestions

  • By understanding your location and surroundings, Superlocal offers relevant insights and hidden gems.

Continuous learning

Continuous learning

Continuous learning

  • As you explore, Superlocal adapts and grows, ensuring an increasingly personalized experience over time.

Comprehensive discovery

Comprehensive discovery

Comprehensive discovery

  • From local hotspots to off-the-beaten-path destinations, Superlocal helps you uncover the world in a new way.

The Vision

At Superlocal, we're revolutionizing exploration with our contextual answer engine. We envision technology that bridges digital and physical worlds, combating digital isolation. Our AI-powered map doesn't just respond to queries—it understands your context, preferences, and history to provide personalized, relevant information.

Our contextual answer engine is the cornerstone of this vision. It adapts to your unique interests and behaviors, transforming every search into a tailored discovery. Whether you're uncovering local hidden gems or navigating a new city, Superlocal offers insights that resonate with your specific situation.

By documenting your journey and leveraging machine learning, we aim to rekindle your sense of wonder about the world. Superlocal inspires exploration, helps rediscover forgotten places, and deepens engagement with your community. Our goal is to create a richer, more connected experience of your surroundings, turning every query into an opportunity for meaningful discovery.

The Mission

Our mission is to combat digital isolation and enrich real-world experiences through our contextual answer engine. Superlocal serves as an intelligent companion, deepening your connection to meaningful places and moments.

By providing personalized, context-aware insights, we aim to foster a sense of belonging and well-being. Our technology bridges the gap between digital convenience and real-world engagement, transforming every query into an opportunity for discovery.

We're creating a future where technology enhances our connection to the physical world. With Superlocal, rediscover the joy of exploration and forge stronger community bonds, guided by an engine that understands and adapts to your unique interests and needs.

Copyright © Super Computer Inc.

Copyright © Super Computer Inc.

Copyright © Super Computer Inc.